Future Plans

Recently, I posted to gauge interest in starting up the blog again. Thank you all for the comments and support. Based on your feedback, I started writing a book. Now, I had already written a sizeable book on the topic, but it was poorly organized and I didn’t feel I had gotten it right. So I started from scratch, and wrote something new. The book is my attempt to “shotgun blast” the conversation to the average Christian. I frame the discussion into four categories: Theological, Text Critical, Concerning Translations, and Practical Application. I use these four categories to describe the nuances of The Textual Discussion and end the book with an argument in favor of the Masoretic Hebrew and Greek Textus Receptus, in addition to the use of the King James Version. The book is also fairly polemic in nature as I deconstruct the claims of the Modern Critical Text to demonstrate how it is lacking as a legitimate Christian framework. I’m in the final edits now and have had two pastors review it already. That’s what I’ve been working on the last couple of weeks. I am still figuring out if I am going to self-publish or if anybody is willing to publish it, so it may be a while before you can get your hands on a copy. If publishing doesn’t work out, I will make the book available for free as a PDF.

As for the future of this blog, it is clear based on your comments that there are still topics that deserve coverage. I most likely will not cover all of them, as I prefer to stick to what I am knowledgeable on. A handful of these topics require a fair bit of reading and research, and I won’t be able to hard commit to covering those until I have more time. I have spent a lot of time and money getting my hands on and reading works produced by the Modern Critical Text camp, and it makes sense to publish more reviews of that material. A lot of the source material related to this topic is locked behind $100-400 books that I have access to, so I want to do more analysis on those for you. That is the goal as of now, but we will see if I have the appetite to dive into that. One thing that I learned from writing on this topic for so long is that these academic works are dark. The flippant nature with which these men write about the text of Holy Scripture is soul sucking.

That is where I am currently at right now. I have read all your comments and I will see if any of them fall into areas that I am comfortable talking about with some authority. If I do not cover your topic, it is most likely because I either cannot put the time into researching the topic, or that I feel the topic has already been covered better elsewhere. Once I finish final edits on my book and figure out the publishing situation, I plan to resume writing regularly again. There are pockets of revival all throughout the world right now, and I believe it is deeply important that believers have confidence in the Bible they read. That said, I appreciate your support and I’m looking forward to hearing from you all.

6 thoughts on “Future Plans”

  1. Dear Taylor,

    I did not comment earlier when you asked for feedback, but I have followed your work and shared it for quite some time and need to say, far sooner than now, how much I appreciate you and commit to pray much, much more for you. And if you feel that you want to write out more specific requests for prayer, I will pay close attention to those and even share them with others who have this burden for the Word of God.

    Denise Sherman

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  2. You had briefly mentioned it in your previous post about possibly posting to YouTube again. Any chance we might still see that?? I know you would frequently just read your blog post in video form when you were posting regularly.

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